York University’s “This Is My Time” campaign, BCCLA’s Micheal Vonn on whistleblowers and state surveillance, and The Black Rainbows

Monday, August 5th edition:


York Connect: In a radio documentary produced by the the upper-level communications class Theory & Practice of Effective Communication at York University, we hear from students and faculty about the university’s new “This Is My Time” branding campaign. From the reasons behind the campaign to its cost-effectiveness along with the problematic nature of the “Vision Exchange”, the documentary critically examines the corporate branding of universities in our neoliberal climate. Listen to what students have to say about university funds being spent on media branding in the face of growing student debt and the inadequate resources available to students on campus.

[Image via yorku-mytime.ca]

Feature Interview: “How do we actually hold our politicians, our military, our bureaucracy, etc., accountable if we cannot protect whistleblowers?”

In part two of our state surveillance series, News Now‘s Maggie Reid speaks with Micheal Vonn, policy director for the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, about the importance of whistleblower protections in the face of rampant surveillance growth in the U.S. and Canada. Following the recent prosecution of Bradley Manning and charges being laid against Edward Snowden, Vonn talks about the increasinging threat to whistleblowers—along with journalists like Glenn Greenwald—for bringing illegal government practices to light. Vonn warns against unchecked government surveillance that under the guise of national security undermines democratic process and sheds light on the growing global surveillance networks and government partnerships that infringe on our civil liberties.

[Image via www.solidarity-us.org/site/node/3913/Ben Sanders]

Independent Arts and Culture: News Now reporter Andrew Borzic talks live in-studio to Mike and Renato from Toronto indie rock group The Black Rainbows. The boys tell us about their musical influences from hip hop to The Kinks and how they make their music by mixing different elements. Listen to Mike talk about starting the band by dropping out of school and using his student loans to buy equipment and their track “She Bites.”

[Image via twitter.com/_BlackRainbows_]


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